NJ Web Design

Boost Your Traffic And Conversions

Here at Search Geek Solutions, we know that website success depends on quality design and SEO. If your site doesn’t thrill visitors from the outset, then you’ll never gain the traction you want.

Fortunately, we’re here to help. With our cutting-edge design tools, we build websites that not only look great but also convert, adding to your bottom line.


The Problem: Your Website Is Poor, And Your Visitors Don’t Trust You

Even though your website has nothing whatsoever to do with your trustworthiness, people can only make decisions about the quality of your brand based on what they observe. You might have the most robust processes, best customer service, and fabulous products, but if your website is lacking, none of your visitors will part with their cash. They won’t trust you. You’re stuck.


The Solution: Combine Web Design With SEO

Our NJ Web Design team, however, offers a solution.

At Search Geek Solutions, we understand that using SEO to attract visitors to your site is only part of the story. While ranking high in search engines is important for drumming up organic traffic for targeted keywords, you need to back it up with a quality website too. Merely dumping lots of money into search engine optimization without focusing on your site means that you’re missing out. You’re building one marketing pillar, but neglecting others. Your internet outreach strategy is lopsided.

Companies in New Jersey that focus exclusively on SEO and ignore their website can wind up with a lot of traffic, but not a lot of conversions. Customers arrive excited that your site appears to offer them a solution to their search query, but when they delve deeper, they are disappointed. A combination of poor layout, slow loading times, and lack of visual fidelity wreck the experience. That’s not what you want.

At Search Geek Solutions, we believe that only two things matter when it comes to constructing a high-performance website: traffic and conversions. Many businesses focus on the traffic side of the equation, paying a fortune for link building and content creation, but too few focus on the conversion element – the part where you use your site to make sales.

As an NJ web design company, we address both of these pillars, helping you flesh out your SEO while also constructing a website with a structure that maximizes the chances of conversions. Why do we take a two-pronged approach? Because SEO and web design are not mutually exclusive: they rely on each other to function.

Let’s suppose, for instance, that you have the most glamorous, fastest-loading website in the world. In this case, you’ve made a good start. But remember, if nobody can find your site, then it won’t generate sales. It’s invisible.

Similarly, you could have a fabulous SEO strategy that helps your site rank near the top of popular search engines for related keywords. But if your website doesn’t provide your customers with the experience that they expect, then they will abandon it in their droves and go to your competitors. You can’t have one without the other.


Categorize Your Visitors And Convert

The majority of entrepreneurs see their websites as a kind of shop window – a digital version of a regular brick and mortar store. For this reason, they adopt a similar approach, making them look as attractive and enticing as possible.

Websites, however, are much more sophisticated than shop windows. When you create a shop window, you never intend to glean information about passers-by who show an interest in your products. Instead, it’s just passive advertising that you hope will encourage people to step inside. When you build a website, however, you have the potential to find out a lot about your visitors and use that to increase your conversions.

At Search Geek Solutions, we build your website around your sales funnel. We believe that if your business is not converting visitors into leads, customers, sales, clients, subscribers, and fans, then it is not doing its job. The whole purpose of the website should be to collect relevant data about your customers and then deploy it to enhance your conversion potential.


Why Use An SEO Company For Web Design In New Jersey

Hopefully by now, it is becoming clear why you should use an SEO company for web design in New Jersey. SEO companies not only understand the intricacies of web design, but they also know how to generate traffic for your website too. It’s a two-pronged process that relies on both having a quality website in place and ensuring that people find it when they type in your targeted keywords online.

Don’t underestimate the importance of good web design for SEO. Search giants, like Google, determine your organic ranking in search results from the measured quality of your website.

That’s right: Google is now so smart that it can tell if you have a good website or not. Scary, huh? The company’s ranking algorithms crawl your site, looking for things like meta tags, keyword count, mobile compatibility, and even the amount of time that people spend browsing your pages before clicking back to search. The company then crunches all the numbers to produce a website quality score which it then feeds into its overall algorithm to determine your rank.

Now you can see why web design is so crucial for SEO. You could have the best link-building strategy in the world, garnering backlinks from authority sites by the dozen. But if you don’t have a quality site, Google will punish you, forever preventing you from climbing to that coveted top spot in search results that you want.

When you think about it, adopting a policy like this makes sense. People will only continue to use sites like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Ask.com if those search engines serve up content people find helpful. If Google continually forwarded people to poor quality sites, they could switch to one of its competitors.


Get Web Designs That Tell Google To Rank Your Site Higher

So what factors is Google looking for in a high-quality website? And where can we help as your New Jersey web design company?

  • A secure and accessible website. Top of the list of priorities for Google (and any search engine for that matter) is forwarding people to secure and accessible sites. The last thing search engines want is a reputation for sending people to websites that put them at risk of data theft. When you choose us, we ensure that your website is secure as a priority, even if you take payments. We also show search engines your site attains all security standards.
  • Mobile-friendliness. In 2015, the number of Google searches on mobile exceeded the number on the desktop for the first time in history, marking a profound turning point in the way that people use the internet. Since then, the gap has only grown wider, with mobile coming to dominate. Google, therefore, promotes websites that create mobile-friendly experiences, while down-ranking firms that focus exclusively on desktop. With us, you don’t have to worry about creating a website that fits both desktop and mobile form-factors. We do that for you. Plus, we demonstrate to Google’s algorithm that your website is mobile-friendly.
  • Optimized content. The content on your website makes a big difference in how well you rank. But did you know that you can optimize your content for better results? Google knows a lot about the type of content that provides value to users and is keen to promote it whenever it finds it. At Search Geek Solutions, we help you exploit these signals and include them in the fabric of your site, making your website more appealing to Google and other search engines than you ever thought possible.
  • Enhanced user experience. For some time now, Google has been using artificial intelligence to help it work out whether particular websites offer a quality user experience. The system, called RankBrain, assesses a range of factors including overall content relevance, keywords in the title, keywords in the H1, keywords in the description, bounce rate, time spent on your site, and the click-through rate. It then combines all of these factors into a score that it then uses to determine whether it should serve up your site in search results for specific keywords. Navigating this complex algorithmic landscape is a challenge and certainly not something that you should do yourself. Fortunately, with Search Geek Solutions NJ web design, you don’t have to. We optimize your website’s on-page content for you, allowing you to get on with your business, without any of the usual hassles.
  • Consistent business information. When it comes to displaying your business information on the web, it pays to be consistent. If there’s a mismatch between the names, addresses, and phone numbers on your site and across the rest of the web, Google can down-rank you, undermining your outreach efforts. We help here, too, ensuring that your business details are consistent across platforms.

Every website that we build for our clients includes these SEO features. We take care of all the technical details, allowing you to get on with the rest of your business, unencumbered.


Our Process

As with everything that we do at Search Geek Solutions, our NJ web design service starts with you.

First, we consult with you about the look and feel that you’d like to achieve with your website. No two companies are the same, so you need bespoke web design services that can produce something that rings true to your brand.

Next, we get to know your business a little better, finding out more about your target audience. Don’t worry: we never just provide you with a generic service. Our web designers can step into the shoes of your customers and build a site that caters to their needs, no matter what you’re selling.

Constructing a website is, however, more than just a matter of adhering to a brief. We understand that quality sites evolve alongside your feedback – they don’t just spring out of nowhere. We firmly believe that you know your audience better than anyone and, therefore, are in the ideal position to offer input on the direction that your site should take.

It’s this process of partnership that marks us apart from other web design companies in NJ. We continue working closely with you, always looking for opportunities to enhance customer experience and deliver web pages that will help your business achieve its goals. This process of continuously building your site creates a powerful website presence that pleases both you and your customers.


Get Web Design NJ Today

At Search Geek Solutions, we’re more than just a full-service website design and SEO company. Our dedication to our customers is transformative for the industry, providing a new level of service that you won’t have experienced from agencies offering web design services before. We upgrade the experience, offering you a level of support and attention to detail that you rarely find elsewhere.

Our team of website development professionals has worked with a wide variety of businesses from various industries. We understand that the priorities of one sector can sometimes be radically different from those of another. This experience has taught us the value of company-specific development from the ground up, allowing us to achieve results for our clients consistent, regardless of vertical.

If you want to experience the benefits of working with Search Geek Solutions, then get in touch with us today. Our team of friendly professionals is waiting to guide you through our bespoke web design process, creating a website that not only looks great but attracts paying customers too.

Here are some of the benefits of choosing us today:

  • Get the website functionality you want right now and stop relying on annoying plugins
  • Direct more visitors to your site
  • Convert users into paying customers with our powerful sales funnel design practices
  • Consult with us every step of the way about what you like and what you don’t
  • Combine your SEO efforts with your web design to drive higher visibility and revenue


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10+ Reviews

Ranked #1 In New Jersey!

Why Is SEO Important?

97% of consumers use search engines to search for a local business online

90% of B2B decision makers search for business services or products online


SEO Science That Works

Gain Maximum Visibility In Search

Appear at the top of local search results and reach prospects across all devices like Voice Assistant, Mobile, Desktop Browsers.

seo and social media

Our SEO Process

Initial Audit & Discovery

We perform a high level audit to determine needs and review this with you in a 1:1 session with one of our Search Geeks:

  • Visibility Research
  • Competitive Market Research
  • Technical SEO
  • Content Audit
  • Authority Audit (Links and Citations)
  • Tactical Plan & How You Win

Our professional SEO services are 100% tailored to your business requirements. We begin with an in-depth analysis of your website’s structure, strengths, and weaknesses. This step is the foundation of a great SEO strategy.

Plan & Execution

After we have completed our in-depth analysis of the business we start execution of SEO strategies. We offer a wide variety of SEO services and campaigns, but the general flow is:

  • In-depth keyword research
  • Content Planning
  • Technical SEO
  • Authority Build (Citations / Links)
  • Content Placement / Optimization
  • Supportive Content
  • Proprietary Tasks / Research (For Competitive Niches)
  • Custom Monthly Success Reporting


We quantify every task/effort with the impact on visibility/traffic/conversions:

  • Content
  • Citations / Links
  • Custom Monthly Success Reporting
  • Reporting Review Meetings
  • Strategy Sessions
  • Monthly SEO Task Breakdowns
  • Project Management Transparency

Reputation Management Builder

seo reputation manager

We build your business’ reputation while improving your visibility in organic search.

Search Geek Solutions’ “Reviews and Reputation Management” reviews software automates the process of  improving the quality and quantity of reviews across the websites that matter.


Web Vitals Performance Optimization Case Example

The Importance Of Web Design For SEO Performance


Improve Visibility/Traffic/Conversions

Request a free organic search audit and strategy session.

Ranked #1 In New Jersey!

Frequently Asked SEO Questions

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the art of tweaking your digital content to have a high priority in search engine rankings. The goal is to derive maximum organic traffic from search engines. Some SEO techniques which are commonly employed to boost website search rankings include — production of good quality content, centering your content on targeted keywords, and creating backlinks (hyperlinks to web pages from external sites).

About 90% of people with smartphones use search engines daily to shop or to research. Do you want your website or blog articles to feature on the number-one spot of search engine results without paying for ads? Then consult SEO experts about tunneling free web traffic to your site all the time.

What do SEO experts work on?

Modern SEO experts work on three key pillars of search engine optimization. These are summarized as the on-page (on-site), off-page (off-site), and technical SEO. For better results, SEO experts strive to perfect their tasks on these three main components.

What does bad SEO look like?

Companies with bad SEO don’t always realize it. It may be that you assume you’ve followed advice right, or perhaps you haven’t given SEO the thought it deserves. You might even have paid an unreliable outside company and assumed they knew what they were doing. Either way; your business is flagging, and immediate action is necessary to revive it.

But, what exactly does bad SEO look like? It’s only by knowing the signs, after all, that you can reduce damage. Some of the main symptoms include:

Unoptimized images

Failure to optimize images is one of the biggest SEO mistakes. By now, we all know pictures are necessary for optimization, but surprisingly few of us think to optimize our images themselves. In reality, though, Google Images is a goldmine of untapped potential. If you don’t compress and clearly label your images with keywords, you’re both missing out and letting yourself down in the eyes of Google.

HTTP instead of HTTPS

While you’ve been busy worrying about your domain name, Google has been taking a hard stand on HTTP labels. As of 2014, websites that use HTTPS have seen noticeable increases in their rankings. If you haven’t given this any thought, then it’s no wonder you’re struggling.

Too many keywords

Keywords are the holy grail of SEO. They ensure you appear in relevant searches and thus bring convertible traffic to your site. The trouble is that using too many keywords can undo your efforts. That’s because any search engine will have tools to judge the relevance of your keywords. If you’ve stuffed your content to increase traffic, then you’ll do more damage than good.

Duplicate content

Duplicate content is never going to work in your favor from a search engine point of view. If anything, the recognition of a duplication will send your site way down the search results. If you’re duplicating any pages on your website, then you’re doing SEO wrong.

No mobile accessibility

Mobile web browsing has been more prevalent than desktop use since 2016, with 50% of users now demanding mobile-friendly websites. If you haven’t considered this, Google probably won’t consider you. Why would they when you’re failing to appeal to half their audience? If you don’t develop mobile designs or at least responsive pages, then you’ll never win the search top spot.

These are by no means the only bad SEO practices, but they are some of the worst. If you’ve made any of these errors, know that you aren’t alone, but that you do need to seek help from a fix my SEO company who can undo that damage for you.

What are link-building services?

Link development and website promotion helps to provide new customers to your website. Imagine your business website is an island, the only thing that will enable people to visit would be a bridge that connects two islands together, right? This is essentially what link building does for your business in the digital world. The link is the bridge, and it is bridging between one website (island) recommending another (island). Without it, there is no connection and therefore no traffic. The website won’t be able to perform as best as it could do.

However, you can’t just add links anywhere. In fact, all links are not created equal. They are determined by trust, the age of the domain that will be linked to you, and other various factors. The search engines need to trust that website, so in turn, choosing the right site where you can have the connection is vital. You need to ensure that they are trusted. Established sites such as news, blogs, other local companies that are not in direct competition with you and website directories can all be good ports of call to promote your site when it comes to link building services.

Links on webpages provide connections with influential sites. If a popular website is linking to your website, it then acts as a reference point. It says to people and search engines alike that your business is a good site and something that may be of internet necessary to the keywords that have been searched for or used when it comes to the link. However, be mindful that you don’t want your website link to appear everywhere, the places it needs to be seen and referenced should be on trusted websites. Where they may be established for some time, and perhaps have their own search engine optimization on-point when it comes to the platforms that are regularly used. They need to be trusted, in order for your business to build an online profile to also be trusted, when being recommended in search engine results.

How do you handle Reputation Management?

  • Search Geek Solutions offers review and reputation management that automates the process of improving the quality of reviews across the websites that matter.
  • We offer small businesses their own access to an enterprise reputation management software, that can then streamline their user experience so that they can build the business reputation while improving their visibility organically when it comes to search engine optimization strategies.

What can a well-planned SEO strategy do for you?

An expert SEO strategy for self-built and self-managed website owners is designed to tackle the ranking and visibility challenges. You can expect significant benefits for your business:

  • Increase organic traffic from users on desktop and mobile devices,
  • Increase brand awareness by making your website appear among the most visited SERPs,
  • Boost the level of trust by creating a positive first impression,
  • Increase conversions rate for online but also offline sales
  • Achieve marketing sustainability to support business growth and expansion opportunities

Ultimately, a robust SEO strategy is detrimental to being seen and found by your audience. It’s also a cost-effective marketing strategy; unpaid traffic is highly valuable for both your conversion rate and your brand reputation. Without a Search Engine Optimization plan, your business can’t survive online. Our Search Engine Optimization experts put their experience and professional knowledge at the service of websites to bring their businesses to the next level.

Why should I consider Local SEO services?

More web traffic from search results means more business, and that in turn makes a more successful company. In fact, local SEO is a vital component even if you don’t sell products online. As long as people can find you on websites like Google or services such as Google maps, you stand a much better chance of having a successful business.

If you want more traffic to your website, then hiring a local SEO company is the best course of action. Forget the Yellow Pages or asking for directions–those old fashioned methods will no longer work! People are using their voice assistants, smartphones, tablets and computers when they want to find something now. This is true even for a local business in your area.

With billions of searches performed on Google each day, you’d be wise to take advantage of local SEO to ensure that your company appears higher on the rankings and attracts more customers. If you’re not on the first page of a local search, then your SEO for your area is likely the main cause. If you’re tired of appearing low on search page rankings or don’t see many customers visiting your website, then allow our local SEO consultants to help you.

Improve Visibility/Traffic/Conversions

Request a free organic search audit and strategy session.